Walking in Truth-Grade 6 Student Workbook

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SKU: WIT633-690
Format: Softcover
ISBN 13: 9781733025607
Market price: 25

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Grade 6 Student Workbook

The Walking in Truth student manual is a valuable component of the curriculum. The student manual is a helpful tool for student assessment and student engagement with the materials.

The student manual includes engaging student activities, small group discussion questions, notes, and study guides.

Walking in Truth: A Biblical Worldview and Bible Survey Curriculum: The Christian Worldview-Grade 6

Walking in Truth is a unique curriculum designed to help students in sixth through eighth grades build foundational beliefs and values from a biblical perspective. In an age of competing worldviews, this curriculum will help middle school students formulate a biblical perspective of the world and then live accordingly. Walking in Truth incorporates worldview and Bible survey curricula in a way that cohesively presents and affirms the biblical truths of creation, the fall, and redemption. It also addresses three worldviews that compete with Christianity—Islam, naturalism, and new spirituality—so students may engage in evaluative and comparative studies of biblical and unbiblical worldviews.

Christian schools have a unique opportunity to model educational excellence, preparing students to enter society with a distinctly biblical worldview in which they integrate their faith with their academic knowledge. From this integrated approach, students are enabled to not only remain firm in their Christian faith but are also encouraged to make valuable contributions to society.

6th Grade Scope & Sequence

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The first half of the course is a worldview survey and the second half is a Bible survey.

Worldview Focus: Christian answers to worldview questions about God, the universe, people, truth, and right and wrong.

Bible Survey Theme: The Acts and the Apostles

  • The birth, early growth, and persecution of the church.
  • Peter takes the gospel to the Gentiles.
  • The spread of the gospel to Judea and Samaria.
  • The spread of the gospel to Syria, Greece, and Turkey.
  • The spread of the gospel to the ends of the earth.
  • Paul’s arrest, trial, and journey to Rome.

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