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Single, Dating, Engaged, Married: Navigating Life and Love in the Modern Age

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SKU: SIN101-620
Length: 272 pages
Format: Softcover
ISBN 13: 9780718097899
Author: Ben Stuart
Market price: 19.99

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The vast majority of young people will still pass through the key phases of singleness, dating, engagement and marriage in their twenties. Yet they are delaying marriage longer than any generation in human history. Why?

Studies show a dramatic rise in self-reported loneliness among young people. All of our technological connectivity has not made us feel more connected. In many ways, the very screens that are meant to link us to others have become shields blocking us from the deep intimacy we crave. Many have discovered that where there is a lack of intimacy, addiction often rises to take its place. How can a young person navigate such troubled waters? Is there hope out there?

Like a sailor on turbulent seas, we need to look up and see the North Star: the fixed points in the sky whereby we might navigate the objective realities in life. We need the skill-set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. This book will chart a course through the four relational phases that the vast majority of human beings on the planet will pass through in their twenties: singleness, dating, engaged and married. In each of these phases, readers will look at what eternal purposes should be pursued in each stage, and how to pursue them.

Singleness: Devotion, Dating: Evaluation, Engaged: Unification, Married: Mission

Our desires for intimacy are powerful. This power can be constructive or destructive. Our satisfaction and our safety will be ensured if we can aim these powerful desires toward divine purposes.

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